a picture of the Holy Family

(Fr. Christian Michel, SAC writes:)

Someone took a photograph of a priest at the consecration during the Holy Mass. When the film was developed, this image of the Holy Family was present. Because I doubted this explanation, I sent the photos to a person in Italy near Rome who was endowed with special graces of discernment. The response I received was that the image was indeed authentic.

To the question from where the picture came, the mystic (who is not known - not Vassula) was told by Jesus,
"It is not important from where or from whom the picture originates. No one should take credit for that. With this picture I want to bring aid to the world... It is the family of Nazareth. It is very precious, so as to take it into families; it brings My blessings. With it come faith, prayer and My presence. I, Myself, come with it into the home... "

(see also a photograph of Jesus )

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