y Lord,
may the words of my mouth
find favour and consolation
for Your Sacred Heart;
Redeemer of the world,
why do they weave plans against You
over and over again?
Consoler of Your kin,
why do they keep loading You
with sorrow and grief?
Friend of mankind,
why do Your Own
deny your wounded Heart
and plant banners of trouble in sin
all through their life?
the heavens openly declare Your Glory
and Your Voice is heard
to the ends of the world, calling out:
'return to Me and I will give you
a new life for your soul;'
but scorn is what You receive,
my Redeemer;
and ah, so many jeer at Your Call,
my Consoler!
Friend of mankind, Perfect Beauty,
Light Thrice Holy,
Your Love is betrayed again,
denied and tested;
Your enemies multiply
and their violence increases;
Sacrificial Lamb,
accused by Your accusers,
attacked constantly by Your attackers,
when will You appear on Your horse as:
Warrior for Justice?
May 1, 1995
