The following email exchanges took place in June 2002. Vassula asked that the exchanges be copied in their original form to tell the story of a soul's request for prayer. The exchanges took place over a two day period.


I am trying to trace down an old English friend of mine whom I knew 32 years ago in the Sudan! We briefly met once again in a pub in England, back in 1987 where I told her of my experience. I never corresponded with her because of lack of time. Today I tried to phone the number she had given me but it does not work. You will do me a great favour if you will be able to trace her down for me. I will give you what I have:

(Vassula gave address and phone details of the lady here)

She has all of a sudden strongly in my mind today, and I don't know why; maybe she needs prayers.

In Christ,


Dear Vassula,

The phone number is correct, but needs the 0 removing when phoning from outside the UK. So the number to phone is .........

But, so far, all I have got is an answerphone response by Mr..... I have left a message for them to phone me and will continue to try to make contact unless you tell me otherwise.

God bless,



Great! This Mr..... on the answering maching is probably her son. Please keep trying. I tried last night with exactly the numbers you indicated dropping the 0 out, and I got information of "il numero non e existensia" and the last time I gave up was a lady's voice who answered telling me that I dialled the wrong number, in asking her her number she told me a completely different one although I dialled the correct one.



Dear Vassula,

I spoke to J...... this morning. I think you are confusing her to some degree with someone else, yet she is most certainly the person Jesus wanted to be contacted.

As soon as I had explained the message you had sent me, J.... began crying. When she recovered herself she told me she knew it was connected with her father who had recently died. She believed it was effectively her father speaking to her and also to her mother who she said had taken the death very hard. The mother apparently had started talking to her about going to a spiritualist to try to make some contact with her lost husband. The father died over 2 months ago and it is clear J.... and her mother have not been able to cope with what was an unexpected death.

J.... first met you in 1998 on Rhodes where she was on holiday but where she was also having her granddaughter baptised. Fr Rossi had gone to you to act as godmother!

I talked to J.... quite a bit and told her how to find the website which she hadn't tried to find although she is on the internet. I told her also about the pilgrimage. I think one specific fruit of all this is that the mother will not now attempt to go to a spiritualist. J.... herself knew that was never going to be a good thing to do but her mother was inconsolable. So maybe this will give her peace. I'm sure it will make (has already made!) a great impact on J..... herself.

God bless,



What can I say, wow. Yes, I knew of a J.... in Rhodes but I never thought of her, but David, only now that I am answering you I remember the old friend's full name: J.... T.... of course!!! If I had then realized it when I saw J....'s name that it was not J... T..... I would not have tried to call her!!! So, Jesus "confused" my mind to believe I had the one I wanted to call so that we are obliged to call the other one who needed the help. What a winding way to lead me there...

So I will pray for her and the mother. I think the father who died "reached" me somehow in this way to pray for his soul and on Sunday if I find the booth open outside the Church that collects names to give to priests for departed souls so that they include them in their Mass, reassure them that I will give his name in but I must know it; What's his name?? Let them do the same thing for him: Masses..

But here is the juiciest part of it all. Are you sitting? Yesterday morning I was out watering the plants and washing the veranda in the garden and while I was washing, I heard (locution) a voice of a soul, asking me to pray for it; (I remembered another similar incident in England); then on the other hand it was such a long time I was not approached by souls, so I doubted. I said; "are you real or is it my imagination?" "No, I'm real and I need prayers" the soul said. "Alright", I said, and blessed the soul and said I will pray later on. Then I thought, souls cannot wait, for every minute is like years for them. So I gave a short prayer and thought that I will also pray the St. Gertrude's prayer that guarantees the deliverance of souls. Then, just after lunch I went upstairs and started to sort out papers (which are endless in this house and in every hole and corner you will find papers. Then, I found this paper with J... R.... address. That is where my mind from thereon for the rest of the day was fixed on this J.... T......

Can you imagine now the whole scenario? This is what I say to people sometimes: if you really have given your will to God to lead you as He wants (and not the way you want), He does. I sometimes compare myself to this remote control cars. I am the car and the holder of the remote control is God. He pushes the button to lead me where He wants and when He wants.

You can tell them what I wrote if you wish. They must not go to these charlatans (spiritualists). Tell them that his soul simply needs prayers and Masses. He will be alright. Tell the mother not to grieve so much and shed so many tears. The soul of her husband would tell her, "Stop crying, shedding so many tears for me, what I really need are not tears but prayers, pray for my soul instead." So she should be happy for he is ALIVE!

God Bless,



J... has just told me something else! She was particularly 'blown away' when she heard the recorded message I had left her, mentioning your name. The reason was because she had been specifically asking YOU, in her prayer, to try to find out if her dad was ok!

Her father's name is T.... K..... C....., although known as Ken.

I asked her if I could 'write up' this story and send it to the mailing list if her name was left out. She was very happy that this should be done and so I would like to do this, including your letter below (minus names), providing you have no objections.

She has asked me if I could ask you when you would be in Rhodes this summer. She says she doesn't want to 'stalk' you or anything but feels she would surely see you in Fr Rossi's church if she was there when you were there. She says she feels she needs to 'do' something to show her gratitude. I mentioned the pilgrimage and she said she would think about it but feels she is so 'unholy' that it doesn't seem right for her to go on something like that. I made it quite clear that we are a very unholy bunch!

But now I need a stiff whisky after all this!



Hello again,

This afternoon I was called to write and so it was the Father who was giving me a lengthy message about repentance and its advantages etc.
Just before He asked me to "stop", He said to me, "all I want from you Vassula is love. Hear Me, lean on Me. I Am." Immediately I took advantage and asked for the departed soul of the M..... family that his sins be forgiven by Him. God replied: "Depend on My Mercy", I will forgive his sins, come."

Well, I think now this episode came to its end.
P.S. Would you please pass on to them this message? Thank you.


Dear Vassula,

I've actually just come off the phone after speaking to J.... again. I asked her when she had thought of asking for you to try to find out about her father. She said last weekend! She said she only prayed a couple of days like this and has no idea where the 'idea' came from but is quite ready now to accept that it could have been the father himself who had put it into her mind. The father had been present at the christening.

She believes that the family does not have much faith and this will help them a great deal.

My own immediate reaction to this, immediately after speaking to J.... the first time yesterday was, how unbelievably considerate (such an inadequate word!) God is that He goes to all this trouble over one soul!!



Hello David!

Alright, this is something! Have you received my latest? About A MESSAGE FROM THE FATHER IN HEAVEN REGARDING KEN? When I was sending it to you to send it to the M....'s your mail came in at the same time. Even I am flabbergasted!! Yes, I think it is after all a wonderful story to put out in the Web-site. The best is to put all our correspondence in a consecutive order so that people will understand the whole thing, without cutting anything with the exception of not putting in their names out. This is a lesson to all of us. It shows us:

* Our prayers and pleads are heard in heaven and that through the Holy Spirit that envelopes us all, divine action is taken.
* That we must pray for the departed souls, they need prayers
* That we must "depend on God's Mercy"
* That He forgives our sins
* That we must, on no occasion, visit spiritualists who invoke the spirits

In God's Merciful Love,

See also the messages:

SOULS IN PURGATORY (July 22, 1987)
WAITING IS SLEEPING (August 19, 1988)

Sunday, 16-Feb-2025 03:31:58 GMT