Vassula writes down the True Life in God messages which she receives in a stately handwriting quite distinct from her own. She hears, interiorly, a voice first, then, when she has to write down what she has heard, her writing changes. The messages are written into simple notebooks, over a hundred so far.

A video clip of Vassula writing a message from Jesus can be viewed HERE

All the True Life in God messages in handwritten form are available HERE

A distinguished French graphological consultant, J. A. Munier, a licenced graphologist of the highest reputation and consultant for the Court of Appeals of Paris, was invited by Fr Rene Laurentin to analyse both Vassula's own handwriting and the special larger writing. He was not given any background on the origin of the writings. His results are summarized below:

The report was prefaced with the heading: "Graphological interpretation, with no previous information (and without taking into consideration the text itself due to lack of knowledge of the English language)"

Interpretation of the large writing:

- Extraordinary telluric force
- A controlled enthusiasm with a touch of delight, i.e. seems to be the source of some kind of well-being.
- She is filled with a force that goes beyond her normal self.
- She is filled with invisible forces to which she reacts with a kind of primitive simplicity, whereas there is also in other areas a refined element.
- She is convinced of this invisible power which she perceives with intensity.
- She is an intermediary, like a center of transmission and amplification.
- She has the faith of a mystic.
- She experiences a kind of tranquil enthusiasm, a kind of fullness.
- She is very redoubled, nourished by an invisible force that seems indestructible.
- The writing in any case appears a bit strange from an ordinary point of view.
- She is very hard-working, she is a docile pupil.
- She is in a kind of second state, indifferent to the exterior world.
- She can perceive invisible worlds quite well, like a medium.
- She has a very great concentrated force; she is profound in meditation.
- She does not belong to herself. there is a certain firmness.
- She has great self control, probably in her demeanor as well.
- She is dignified.

Interpretation of the smaller writing (Vassula's own):

- She is a person who lives in her own world.
- She is not mentally ill.
- She is of at least above average intelligence.
- She follows her own logic.
- She is capable of some integration.
- She conducts herself with tenderness, kindness, docility.
- She has a goal and she is dedicated to it.
- She experiences an inspiration from a high level.
- Her life is inspired by an ideal.
- Nothing else really matters for her.

An extensive article on the special writing which Vassula uses in writing down the messages has been written by Fr. Christian Curty OFM. The article can be read HERE


Sunday, 16-Feb-2025 01:51:03 GMT