All these testimonies of laity are extracts from the originals.

Collection 1       Collection 2       Collection 3       Collection 4       Collection 5      

Collection 6       Collection 7       Collection 8       Collection 9       Collection 10      

(See also testimonies of clergy and religious)

The books of TLIG were instrumental since my deepening conversion, since 1998, and I believe the writings through Vassula in TLIG are true, as they have borne much fruit in my life. Now I'm closer to God. I have found everything I need via the Sacraments. I have recently been tested in my faith in the area of obedience to the Church, but Truth Triumphant in the end, and Vassula's messages were in agreement with Scripture, and Church doctrine.
(R. V., Australia, 1998)

While Vassula was talking I began to see the face of Jesus Christ on her. I couldn't believe what I was seeing because I'm near-sighted and I thought, was my sight playing tricks on me? But an hour and a half later I told my girlfriend what I was seeing. She answered me that one of Vassula's miracles was some people could see a feature of Jesus Christ. I said to her "you didn't tell me anything about that!"
(M. P. C., Peru, February 1998)

By reading our books; God's Hymn I completely changed my life. I started praying the rosary and novenas etc. I confessed for the first time in my life. While reading I had several experiences. The Holy Spirit blew `new life' into me. I felt the attacks of the devil especially one day when I thought I was going to die. I started fasting and I even didn't smoke on Good Friday last year. I was asked by an inner voice not to smoke on the day before. I am addicted to smoking.
(M.A. K., The Netherlands, February 1998)

With the spotlight beaming on Vassula, she came down the stage to pray over the first person on the line. While doing so, Vassula’s face changed and became Jesus' face. Since that time, I tried hard to change my life to conform to God's ways. I know that with God's love and mercy, I will the THE WAY.
(L. A., Thailand, March 1998)

Whilst reading TLIG Vol. 1-2 books, after March 1998 Sydney convention, I truly felt Our Lord speaking to me personally, He seemed to know me. A word or sentence addressed situations that were relative in my life at the time, and it really threw me! I got to know Our Lord at a closer level, what you might call a deeper conversion. He taught me not to depend on material things, rather spiritual. My love for Him grew when I realised how unworthy I was, and how I keep on offending Him. Because of TLIG messages, I joined a prayer group, giving me a stronger faith.
(I. C., Australia, March 1998)

After the meeting with Mrs Vassula I had to follow an inner urge to go to confession in December 1992, although I did not now how to confess my sins after such a long time. I pushed my way through the Christmas market and after a long time of searching I found the entrance to the presbytery. For the first time after decades, my husband and I could experience Christmas in the Catholic Church again. After 23 years we received through God's grace on the 10th of February the readmission back into the Roman Catholic Church. The Lord has given us so much through his grace and has brought us so close to Him through Mary, His Holy Mother and our mother. We learned to pray the rosary again and pray it with much joy until today.
(R. H., Germany, April 1998)

My spirit, my soul, has literally soared at times with this new, wonderful gift, this great peace, this closeness to Jesus Christ in my life. TLIG has brought me back to the pure and simple beliefs of my childhood, a consummate belief in and soul-penetrating love for Jesus Christ. Now I truly seek to discern his real and immediate presence at all times in my life, my constant "holy companion". TLIG has the inspiration for and the fire, which has sparked my renewed love for God.
(F. C.. USA, May 1998)

These books have brought me to an intimacy with Jesus that I thought would never be possible on Earth. Praise be to God!
(R. C., USA, July 1998)

My name is Daniel and I have been reading the TLIG books that Jesus and Vassula have been writing. A friend of my mom's down the road lets me borrow them. I find them beautiful beyond words. I have a better understanding of the Bible thanks to these books. They are truly a treasure.
(D. P., Canada, July 1998)

Some time before I saw Vassula talk on the television, I came across an article in the newspaper about her and her mission. A few days later, while I was changing channels on the TV, accidentally I stopped on an interview with her and I heard the name: 'Vassula'. Suddenly, while I was watching the interview, her face started to change and the face of Jesus appeared right there in front of my very eyes. My soul recognised Jesus and I really felt His Presence so strongly there. It was a beautiful thing to see and it lasted one or two minutes. I immediately believed that God is talking through this woman. From that moment on I started reading the messages, I returned to church and it's sacraments and I am trying sincerely to live a True Life in God.
(D. F., Greek Orthodox, August 1998)

Another old priest, who is suffering from weak health, spoke of being a priest at Christmas only, when he was busy preparing the choir of liturgical chants. Thanks to the reading of the True Life in God Messages, he has re-found all his missionary zeal to the point where it exceeds that of new missionary vocations. With ardor he propagates books and video cassettes of True Life in God. A young seminarian, discouraged because of the superficiality of his seminary, has resumed the discernment of his vocation with a new hope since he has met the prayer group.
A father and a mother, while their son was in great jeopardy while covering the Silk Road on bicycle all alone, have learnt to pray with more depth and ardor in the intimacy of the Holy Trinity thanks to meditations on the True Life in God Messages and regular encounters of the prayer group. The very same son, after returning from his trip, enriched by his experiences, prays now with the ardor and the generosity of "first love" and is currently testing his vocation at the Trappists.
(B. K., Japan, August 1998)

On one other occasion I was going through a difficult time, and went into a church to pray in front of the tabernacle. I prayed using the words 'Jesus, I feel like my cross in crushing me..." , and I say that knowing the crosses I have are very small compared to many others. Later that day I went home and opened a "True Life in God Book" in a random fashion, and my eyes fell on these words "and you , who came to me today, saying your cross was crushing you..." I knew it was Jesus speaking directly to me, and felt much consoled.
(M. Z., USA, August 1998)

As I was coming through our living room from our hall to our kitchen passing the television on my way, I looked quickly at it as I passed by, without stopping. What I saw was, an image of Our Lord as it appears on the front of the book "True Life in God", but with His eyes closed and framed like a picture in an art gallery. I looked away quickly as I was walking through, but looked back immediately as I became aware of the image of Jesus; when I looked the second time, the picture, frame etc. was the same, but Jesus had His eyes open this time. ... As I was still walking I had to look away to see where I was going and looked back again, only to discover the whole thing had gone and what was on the screen was nothing to relate to what I saw.
(Margaret McK., County Offaly, Eire, September, 1998)

He was inspired by the videos and the audiotapes as well as the books. He passed some books to other priests and they also came [to hear Vassula]for they had read her books and listened to the tapes. And still people are hungry and even the priests come to me and ask for books and tapes of Vassula, longing to listen. Kindly please do send it. If you can send some more books and audio and video tapes to pass on to discouraged and frightened people and to all the priests who are longing to listen, seek, hear and read her books who are worrying and asking me very often, especially the young priests who are touched by her meetings and tapes.
(F. D., India, October 1998)

I have tears in my heart thinking the kindness I received from Jesus and Vassula, and I feel out of speech. Dearest Vassula, I do not know how to let you know how I do appreciate your books. I feel as if I have wings.
(T. M., South Africa, October 1998)

I don't remember if it was during the reading of the second or third book when a flashing understanding came to me. I was reading the real Truth, the Truth I had been looking for so long. The Jesus I had always ill-treated, despised and avoided, was all that I have wanted ever since. My conversion was so rapid that it took me only two days, after 35 years of separation, to go back to the Church and to look, first of all, for
a confessor, whom I found in St.Peter's.
(D. P., Italy, October 1998)

At the 1998 San Francisco conference, I saw a bright, intense light come from Vassula. It was a spiritual light, but so bright, I had to close my eyes. The light was strongest in her head area but seemed to come form her upper body, especially the heart area. The picture of Jesus on the podium also seemed to acquire some life and began to enlarge and glow. I thought "This is too much!" so decided not to look at the picture. I kept my attention on Vassula, then saw her face change to what appeared to be the face of Jesus. Then she was no longer standing there. Jesus was standing there.
(J. B., San Fransisco. November 1998)

I attended Vassula’s first talk in San Francisco in 1996, and now this second one in 1998. On stage in front of the podium was a large photo of Jesus. To the side was a banner of the Virgin Mary mounted on a tripod stand. I sat in the second row and could see a large mass of white light at a distance behind Vassula during most of the presentation. At some point, a small golden light appeared above Vassula’s head very briefly.
(G. L., U.S.A., November 1998)

Several years ago I had a fall which resulted in torn muscles, leaving me with a large lump on my left thigh. It restricted my walking. On October 26, 1998, I woke up at 3 a.m. While praying the rosary to get back to sleep, a severe pain gripped my left thigh. When the pain subsided I discovered that the large lump had disappeared. The swelling and stiffness also disappeared. My walking is restored to normal. I believe what happened…less than 48 hours after I attended "An evening with Vassula Ryden" at Hempstead, NY and was prayed over, was a healing, the result of that evening. I thank god for the powerful manifestation of His love for "a less than nothing" sinner.
(W. S., USA, November 1998)

... Reading my medical history, the gynecologist was not very sympathetic with me despite my high blood pressure. In fact, he accused me of trying to commit suicide because he thought I did not seriously take previous medical advice (to have another child). He warned me never, never, ever to conceive again as that was to result in my ultimate death. He gave me a file and walked away. I rushed to the out-patient department where a female doctor friend worked and announced my fate. She immediately recommended the termination of the pregnancy to save my life. It was on a Friday and I was to go back to the hospital on Monday with my husband to sign the forms for the operation in the theatre. ... I made up my mind to go ahead after all I thought, I had not seen the conceived thing inside me. Why should I risk my previous life, I told myself.
The following Sunday, my husband and I went to our usual Catholic small Christian Community meeting which did not take place. Instead, we watched a video-tape about a lady who was receiving messages from God. ... The messages touched me very much especially about God loving us all regardless of religion, race, etc. and that we are all made in God's image ... and I was convinced from that time that I was carrying God's image in my womb that minute. I decided that I'll let God's Will be done even if it meant dying of hypertension in pregnancy. ...
On 11th April, 1994, I was admitted to Kabwe General Hospital again with high blood pressure and a puffed face. As usual I went through the same mockery of being told to terminate the pregnancy, but I rejected the idea. The doctors confirmed that the pregnancy was due and advised me that I be operated upon. I still refused to succumb to the suggestion.. ... On 18th April, 1994 Mr. Chroma came to the hospital and prayed with me. We discussed the love of God with reference to Vassula's video-tape. Miraculously, my blood pressure returned to normal and everybody including the nurses were surprised at the turn of events. The medical personnel thought their equipment was not functioning well. They tried three other machines to examine my blood pressure. It showed normal. ...
The following day, I gave birth normally to a very healthy beautiful baby girl. My wish was fulfilled. I was to name the baby `Vassula' even it were a boy. I said after all it was her who inspired me.
(Mrs. Androfina Banda Lombe, Zambia, Central Africa, January 1999)

I attended your (Vassula's) presentation in London (Ontario) on November 1, 1998. I contracted shingles in 1992, causing weakness in my muscles and especially in my legs. I could not stand or walk around for more than 2 hours at a time. During the blessing with the crucifix, I asked the Lord to give me strength in my legs and to cure my diabetes. When I got home to Mississauga (approximately 100 miles from London (Ontario)) I felt so strong and not at all tired after the long evening in London and the bus trip. I knew then that the Lord had healed me. I am now full of energy and not tired any more. I even could cook and bake for several hours without sitting and am still able to walk. On November 20, I went for tests at the local hospital. The doctor was surprised at the results and told me that my blood sugar was normal and that my health was very good. I thank Jesus and our Blessed Mother for hearing her prayers through you.
(S. S., Mississauga, Canada, January 1999)

Reading TLIG books have made me a better person. I have learned to turn to Jesus every time I fall down. I used to be a very disturbed and nervous person. Not that I do not have problems, its tough everyday but the Lord Jesus has taught me to be peaceful. I can handle big and small problems without getting depressed.
(S. A., Caranzalem, March 1999)

Whoever hears the messages is convinced and wants to hear more. I have shared many of the messages with our Archbishop, Bishop and Priests. Our Prayer Group at church has Volumes 1-7 which the members borrow.
(L. L., Tobago, West Indies, February 1999)

I'm an inmate in D. C. I. I have been in prison for about two and a half years. Since being here I have worked hard at devoting my life to Christ and his church. The writings of Vassula were introduced to me by a friend in Missouri, T.M. and deeply moved and inspired me. I believe these writings will help our prayer group and bring us closer to Christ.
(N. L., USA, August 1999)

Ever since that time, strange things have been happening in my life such as strong, bright lights coming out of my room. Another time, when I put a bottle of water near the book `True Life in God', I saw a kind of electric discharge going through the bottle.
All these experiences became instruments to turn my life back to the Faith. Whereas in the past 30 years, I admit, I did not go to Church, I did not go to Mass, or go to Confession and communion for I have lost my faith in the Priests, these spiritual signs have brought my way back to God.
(J. S. T., The Netherlands, April 1999)

The True Life In God messages were just what my soul was craving for and I thank God for drawing me closer to him and allowing me to love and serve him and Our Blessed Mother. I will do anything and everything I can to spread these messages. I now trust God completely and put my life in his hands to do with as he pleases.
(N. M., Ireland, July 1999)

Reading the messages was like a dream come true, they gave me such a good understanding of everything Jesus was saying to us and teaching us. To know how much I am loved and cared for made all the difference for me and to know He is always with me and always has been loving me. I was also surrounded with the scent of incense and myrrh for a long period of time as well. When I would pray I really felt like I was praying for the first time in my life, I could really open hy heart - He helped me to see things that perhaps offended Him and gave me the graces to change that behaviour. ... I believe it has enabled me to confess my sins and to really watch my behaviour (not to mention I quit smoking an and drinking and a lot of the other bad habits I had for such a long time) and of course it is on going and I still have many bad habits but now I am working on them and I know Jesus wants the best for me.
(R. Arcoleo, USA, August 1999)

I was inspired to read True Life in God by a woman in my RCIA prayer group who was a convert through reading TLIG. I am a cradle catholic and I thought that I was close to Jesus all along especially through a recent illness. But Jesus's messages in the book made me realise His true presence in my life. I was so excited as I read His messages I wanted to tell everyone about Jesus' words and that he was taling to someone just like me. ...I realized through the messages that Jesus suffers so much for the division of our churches and that some don't honor his true Eucharistic Sacrifice. I 've always loved and prayed to our Blessed Mother, but through TLIG, I realized how much our Lord wants everyone to honor her.
(J. B., USA, August 1999)

I missed all of those books in between 3 and 9, and I do not get to read much other than the Bible because of work and kids, but when I do read TLIG I immediately have that "close" feeling to the Lord. I know that feelings are not everything, but it is so nice to be brought to that feeling when I am reading. I truly believe that the Lord works through Vassula. I can only prove that by the fruits in my family and in my life that have come through these messages.
(M. C., USA, August 1999)

The strong love that once engulfed me, when I first opened these blessed pages, remained. This was, I feel obliged to say, the only difference between before and after my conversion. But slowly and relentlessly God purified me. Along the way I began to understand, through the messages, that there was a reason why I had lived a life "caught in between". Deep down in my soul evil inclinations had rooted themselves and, fed by the world, they were nurtured in my selfishness. But through the love He had sown in me, which encouraged me to try to live the messages every day with him, He began to turn my attention away from the world. For me it has not been an easy road, and I've only taken the first steps. But at least I know that I'm on safe ground, united with Him in the sacraments of the church. Just think: this is due to some hand-written messages in a note-book!
(S. C., Sweden, August 1999)

From someone who didn't understand prayer, the True Catholic Faith, the Triune God, or real love from God and intimacy with Him, I have become someone who knows God better and who enjoys Him, His presence, His guidance and His Fatherly, Brotherly, caring love. The blessings of this have helped in life in every way, giving direction and purpose and fostering the practice of forgiveness and love to all.
(L. C., New Zealand, August 1999)

I learned about the Eucharist, Mary, the Church, the Pope etc. and I try to go to Mass everyday. I draw all my strength from the Eucharist and the tlig volumes. I cannot explain in words how there is a sun burning in my heart - consuming all rivals. It seems as if Jesus and I are no longer two but rather one, as Jesus tells Vasssula that they are one, "we us". When Vassula said our Lord asked her to tell the reader to take her name out and put my name in I accepted it wholeheartedly like a child.
(R. C., USA, August 1999)

I began to read True Life in God. The messages reveal the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary most profoundly and accompanied with Scripture passages too. (This was very exciting for me since I was a Protestant.) I was drawn to these writings as though I was a magnet. I read and read, night and day, and I shared it with whoever would give me a hearing. As the messages unfolded, I understood who our Pope is and why Jesus desires him to lead us into unity.
(Jen-Mel D., USA, August 1999)

Reading True Life in God messages has brought me closer to the Heart of Jesus. Somehow, when we read His words my heart "sings" and I'm able to pray in a deeper way . . . The grace must be in His words because I can't attain the same level of intensity when I pray without the messages to read and contemplate.
(R. E., USA, August 1999)

Listening from my heart to the Trinity speak to humanity and to me personally has changed all my relationships with God's Oneness in Love. I have become more sensitive to my sins and the gift of confession. I actually go to talk with Jesus and end up surprised every time at my crying. I am learning that the gift of tears during confession wash me clean even though not fifteen minutes later I find myself sinning again, sometimes before I even leave the church. When I read Vassula telling God she is nothing, I find myself saying, "Yes, Vassula, we are both nothings. And isn't God wonderful. We are so loved, so taken care of, so spoilt by God's attention and mercy." I love being a spoilt child.
(R. F., Seattle, USA, August 1999)

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