All these testimonies of laity are extracts from the originals.

Collection 1       Collection 2       Collection 3       Collection 4       Collection 5      

Collection 6       Collection 7       Collection 8       Collection 9       Collection 10      

(See also testimonies of clergy and religious)

In the early '90s I was moved by grade and anguish of soul to seek my God and after a year of praying and reading and being more attentive at Mass, my Lord brought me these messages. And how they spoke to my heart! It was through these words that I fell in love with my God. - How tenderly & intimately & passionately He loves us & wants us to love Him. ... I learned so much more, things that changed my life (all for the better).
(K. T., USA, September 1999)

I am and have always been Protestant (Methodist). A very dear Catholic friend of mine showed me the video. I immediately bought all the volumes that had been released so far and began to devour the messages. Such perfect Love!!!! Such tenderness and gentleness Jesus expresses for His beloved ones! How could I not be transformed by these messages. I began to pray the rosary and add the prayers that Jesus dictated to Vassula to my daily devotions. I thought about converting to Catholicism but my feeling was that Jesus wanted me to remain within the denomination that I am affiliated. The ecumenical messages teaches that we are all part of One Body. I believe that the outpouring of Love contained in the messages Jesus gave Vassula have helped me and given me enough strength over the years to come to the point in my life where I am now. I am involved in a prison ministry for youthful offenders. This is something I could not have done had I not been filled with the confidence of the Love that Jesus has expressed to me through these messages.
(K. R., USA, September 1999)

I longed to truly know the Lord on a personal level. To lift Him up further than faith and Gospel readings. A year later, during a Prison Chaplaincy visit, I noticed on a table with other spiritual books for prisoners to read, copies of Volume 1 of True Life in God. ... During the week I could not get the book out of my mind and felt a strong urge to read the Messages for myself. So when I returned I asked to borrow a volume. Oh, it was as if a flower had opened in my heart drinking in the amazing dew of revelation and love. My arid soul soaked up the Life in the Messages. At last I began to truly know my God and Jesus with an intimacy beyond what I had longed and prayed for. I began a spiritual journey of which there was no returning or stopping.
The day dawned when I suddenly and completely came out of my dark depression, like a prisoner set free! And, this is the miracle for me from True Life in God that though only one week later I was told I had cancer, so much did the Lord fill my heart that my newly returned joy never foundered even for a minute.
(C. R., England, September 1999)

We are both more than impressed with Vassula and have been to several of her meetings in the New York area on Long Island. Her messages have certainly encouraged many of us to learn to get closer and more intimate with Jesus-to love Him more, and thank Him more for all His goodness and mercy endlessly.
(C.R., N.Y., USA, September 1999)

The True Life in God messages have brought me to a joyful, loving intimacy with Jesus. His description of Himself as a raggedly clothed beggar carrying His Heart in His hands, begging for love, has pierced the depths of my heart, mind and soul. I will never be the same.
(C. S., USA September 1999)

It is because of these writings that I have grown to love the Catholic Church so much. . . . My utmost obedience to our Pope, John Paul, the Vicar of Christ, . . . I now go to daily Mass, wear the scapular, pray the Rosary, kneel before the stations and love my Jesus above all things. My life is full of peace and joy.
(S. S., USA, September 1999)

I had been raised as a Protestant Christian, but became a practical atheist having been converted to evolutionism while in college.. . . . I have now read every word of Volumes 1 thru 10 of TLIG many times over. I begin my day at my church with the rosary prayer followed by morning Mass. I visit Jesus with others at adoration regularly. I try to contemplate Jesus throughout the days expressing my gratitude for His blessings and His forgiveness of my sins and my love for Him. I have increased my contributions to the Church and its charities. I have to love more than ever the Roman Catholic church and its wonderful Pope John Paul II. I can't help but believe that anyone who has discovered TLIG will be drawn by the Holy Spirit to do the same and to love our Triune God above all things.
(R. S., USA, September 1999)

It was during her (Vassula's) talk on her personal life and her purification (Zambia November, 1993) that I realised how horrible my soul was in the eyes of my Creator. When I went home that evening, I locked myself in my bedroom and went through my life and found that my past life was sinful - I never loved God the way I should have, though I went to Church regularly on Sunday it was out of duty without love. I sobbed with remorse seeing how I persecuted my Lord I was ashamed of my past state of life as I recalled all the sins I committed. It was the first time I had felt like that and then I saw that I was pleasing satan and not my Creator whom I should adore and thank for giving me life and love.
(I. S., Zambia, September 1999)

True Life in God messages have not only improved my personal prayer life, but also gave me a greater understanding and awareness of God's love and closeness to us.
(E. D'S., Australia, September 1999)

I was at first a little embarrassed to read of God's endearment to Vassula and of His Passionate Love for her (and all of us). I had not thought of God as austere but this was certainly different to anything I had expected. I stopped reading it until I could accept the reality of what I was reading and hearing for the very first time… the very depth and passion of God's love for us the imperfect and weak. Truly beyond anything I could have imagined. When I again started to read I was overwhelmed by joy and a surety. I had no doubts; God's warmth suffused me. I began to read pieces out to my family.
(B. S., Australia, September 1999)

Six years ago, when I was 32 years old, I went to a Medjugorje evening, and the lady witnessing there gave me Volume One of True Life in God to read. It was my wake up call in the profoundest sense of the word, and my introduction to a life where Jesus' love for me is undeniably tangible. I would describe it as first having a penpal that you wrote to out of duty, and afterwards falling in love with that person, constantly in wonder at how they could love you so much.
(C. St P., New Zealand, September 1999)

I have been quite absent from church this past year but after reading True Life from Vassula I have gone back to church and tears of joy are falling down my cheeks everytime I receive the communion, I love going to church and in my every day duties Jesus Christ and Mary mother is always with me.
(H. T., Indonesia, September 1999)

During my illness in 1998 when I had a lot of time to contemplate and let God come into my heart, I was presented with the first volumes of the notebooks. Very eagerly I started reading these books and it made me realise how my life had been before then, and gradually I was drawn to Jesus every day more and more. TLIG brought about a tremendous positive attitude within me and my life changed significantly. I have even learned to pray the Holy Rosary, something which I had not done before. Hence, I am very grateful for the messages of TRUE LIFE IN GOD.
(A. V., The Netherlands, September 1999)

Immediately, the messages brought me a new life. They caused me to search my heart, became convinced of my sinful life, shared the experience impacted upon me by the messages with other friends. I started sharing the books with those who showed interest. I found myself reading them for the most part of the night, shed tears and stopped to pray at various intervals. I had discovered a living message, specially designed for a sinner like me. The Holy Name of The Lord be praised.
(L. W., Kenya, September 1999)

Before the gift of this private revelation, I never would have understood the tenderness that Jesus feels for each one of us, even me. I take His Words (of union) "We, Us" to work with me each day. By doing so I know I have been empowered by Him to calm the storms of hurting, abusive teenagers with whom I work and, most especially, I have His calmness within me in a way I never had before. He has healed me of so much anxiety about so many things. The peace has deepened in me so much that even now as I face a possible lay-off (again!) in my health care profession I feel strengthened by Him to take even bigger risks in faith by facing new, unknown tasks He may give me to do.
(C. M. W., USA, September 1999)

Daily readings of the TLIG messages constantly move me to tears. The real and unchanging constants, the Blessed Trinity and Mother Mary have had a profoundly life-altering affect on us all. Having surrendered to a desire to serve God fully, I personally feel His influence growing. I am so moved by these messages that now I believe that Jesus actually DOES talk to me through them. These messages have won an entire family's intimate and grateful friendship for life with the Lord.
(N.C. W., Australia, September 1999)

About five years ago a young man loaned me a copy of Vassula's 1992 video from the Franciscan Prayer Center. She conveyed the messages in such a gentle, honest, and sometimes humourous way that I wanted to hear more. From then on each day I would take time to pray and read the TLIG messages, trying to get to know the God Vassula had conversations with...... Through the TLIG messages I learned to pray, to love the rosary, to thank God for the gift of being Catholic and having the sacraments of confession and the Eucharist available to me.
(J. W., USA, September 1999)

Just before her visit I had just completed reading Book 2. She referred to opening the Bible at random to receive a word from God and she shared some texts the Lord had given her. This particular day I had spent the whole day reading the book and then opened the Bible at Random as she said. I was stunned to get the reading from Colossian 3 :1-4 which begins 'since you have been brought back to true life with Christ.......' I knew then of the authenticity of the messages. Since then the Lord has spoken to me often in this way.
(R. W., Scotland, September 1999)

It was the TLIG message on 20 September 1986, entitled "I am the Light," that changed my life. As I was reading the message, I felt that someone took a veil covering my eyes which caused me to cry, realizing that I was lost and living in the dark for so many years; that it was our Lord Jesus that I was longing and searching for many years. It was He (Jesus) Who would fill the emptiness that I felt and that He is the One Who completes me. The messages made me realize how much Jesus loves us and wants us all back to Him; how important the Sacraments are (esp. Confession and Holy Eucharist); how intimate we could be with Him; how we could help Him save others by offering our own sacrifices in union with His sacrifice; why we should be united with the Pope; and why we should venerate the Blessed Mother. The messages made me love Jesus more, and therefore, also love His Commandments
and the Laws of His Church.
(I. A., Philippines, October 1999)

Upon reading the book of "True Life in God", I realized and learned a lot of things regarding my deep personal relationship with the Lord Jesus: how much the Lord loves us and that God is so near us, as if He's just beside us, always seeking our attention.
(R. A., Philippines, October 1999)

When I attended Vassula's first visit in Bangkok, I just wanted to see her by curiosity sake. But when she started her testimonies, I was deeply touched. I started to praise and thank the Lord for bringing me right there. When the healing service began, I was still in my seat and suddenly my whole body started shaking. I felt weak and I could not explain what was going on. Then I decided to go forward to join the healing. While waiting for Vassula to pray over me, I already seemed to faint. When I felt the hand of Vassula on my head, immediately I fell on the floor. After that I felt so much peace within me. Now, I'm already in volume 4 reading all the messages of the Lord. I have experienced many miracles and enlightenment. My life has gradually changed, my relation with Jesus has become deeper, and my love towards other people has grown.
(E. D. A., Bangkok, Thailand, October 1999)

I grew up a confirmed Catholic so I have always acknowledged and respected my faith deeply. However, reading about Vassula Ryden's experience with Christ and her inner locutions are simply beautiful. I was deeply touched to tears when she spoke of Jesus' great care for her and all of mankind. I also could appreciate the depth of the spiritual intimacy He talks about and invites us to share His soul and become "one" with Him.
(F.A., Dubai, United Arab Emirates, October 1999)

Ana gave me the gift of the True Life in God collection. True Life in God writings has deepened my belief and relationship to God, given me peace, understanding and the ability to accept my life amidst turmoil and struggle; the intimacy to God I needed. I have read through many writings inspired by God having an M.A. in theology, but none have been so fulfilling a companion to the Bible and so theologically sound as True Life in God. I lacked the flow of conversation from God to me to make my life intimate with Him.
(M.A., USA, October 1999)

At the latter half of Vassula's conference Miwa saw Vassula's face change to that similar to the face of the Holy Shroud medal (with eyes closed), with large amounts of wavy hair coming down to the shoulders and the face having a dark complexion. There was authority like Jesus must have had giving the Sermon on the Mount, and spontaneously, "Oh, Jesus!" came on her lips. This lasted for quite a while. She had come to the conference with her two grand-children and the husbands of her second and third daughters. Afraid that she was just imagining, she later found that the husband of her third daughter also saw Vassula's face transfigured to that of Jesus.
(M. B., Japan, October 1999)

The road to the religious life is indeed bound by struggles and difficulties. I am so glad that despite these difficulties I am able to sustain them all. I could never have made it through without the grace and providence of God. This grace and providence is manifested by God through the messages of TRUE LIFE IN GOD. At first, I was so hesitant to read it because I thought it was not that interesting. But now that I have finished Book 1 and currently with Book 2, I am definitely convinced that God is speaking to me so personally. And the messages which I read are very much fitting for my special case and condition. It has become one of my sources of inspiration, motivation and encouragement as I go along the hurdles of my formation.
(P.J.L. B., Philippines, October 1999)

True Life in God has made Jesus alive in my life as a faithful friend and companion. He shows his love in a most irresistable way that I can't help but love him back even if I now realize how unworthy I am.
(J. B. R., Philippines, October 1999)

When we were listening to her testifying about God - I saw her face changed! (Our seat was +- on the fifth bench directly opposite Vassula). I saw a face - tender - lovely and beautiful with blond wavy hair and a beard - after, it looked that the face came nearer to me - and the eyes became very blue - after that I saw Him standing still - with a long white robe...I told my husband: "Her face looks just like the face of Jesus Christ" I never heard of this happening before. Since then I have faith in God. I still read the books more that once. I take the books along with me everwhere I go. It is a very great grace. I thank and praise the Lord!"
(D. van B., The Netherlands, October 1999)

My grand-daughter was born with no control over her neck muscles. This was not immediately apparent but was noticed at the age of one month. The doctors thought it was most likely spina-bifida. Tests were being carried out to determine the exact diagnosis of the illness. Meanwhiule, I heard that Vassula Ryden was coming to the Point Theatre in Dublin. This was in October, l996. I asked Vassula to bless her, which she graciously did , blessing her forehead with a small crucifix. After the blessing, Vassula turned to walk away, and I felt so happy inside that I called out her name "Vassula". On turning around, I was dumbfounded to see, not the feminine face of Vassula, but that of Jesus. He looked at me with infinite love and smiled. Since that day, my grand-daughter has been completely healed, and is now a very healthy and happy three-year old toddler.
(S. B., Ireland, October 1999)

When I started reading True Life in God I knew that it was Jesus himself who was speaking. As I read the Bible the spiritual meaning became clear and God by his Grace has given me understanding of the effects of good and evil in my life. I continue to pray both the rosary and other devotions and go to Mass as often as I can. The True Life in God messages bring me great peace and consolation and also a desire for everyone to be saved.
(R. B., England, October 1999)

I'm a Filipino married to a Swiss Protestant and a Catholic by birth until 1988 when I started to practice an atheistic type of Buddhism which had its origins from Japan. I fell out of this religion and ventured in to new Age. The horrifying nightmare I had after a self-induced hypnosis made me leave this religion and mainly because I had a difficult time convincing myself to sit in a darkened room in a semi-hypnotic state to do "automatic writing." This wishful thinking of being able to channel my higher self for automatic handwriting sessions led me to a chance meeting - a few weeks before Holy Week of 1999 - with Father Richie Santos who challenged me to read the TLIG messages. He even said that Vassula Ryden received these messages through "automatic writing" (which is not true) just to get me into being curious about the writings. Since I had lots of spare time during my son's Lenten vacation I started reading - a record of five volumes in the five days of Holy Week. It was a real Easter sunday for me when I made the greatest God-glorifying decision to convert back to the Catholic faith after 11 long years in the wilderness.
(F. S. B., Philippines, October 1999)

After many years of being a lapsed and luke warm Catholic I stumbled across two books on my grandmother's bed and I was drawn to read these books titled "True Life in God" by Vassula Ryden. As I read these messages all my spiritual questions were answered. These messages were a result of my deep conversion in the Catholic faith and return to the sacraments including reconciliation after twelve years of absence. TLIG was a turning point in my life and it was real miracle, ie Jesus showing me the way to living a TLIG.
(A. P. de C., South Africa, October 1999)

Though born from a Catholic family and raised in a Catholic community, I had never known God personally until a friend in 1994 showed us a video of Vassula Ryden's presentation in the US. From then on, for a period of four years, reading and meditating on the True Life in God became part of my daily prayers feeding my yearning soul with God's love messages. Amazingly, the day after I finished reading the last book, sometime in May 1998, Vassula came to Thailand for the first time to witness. Since then, I was no longer just a receiver of the message but, through God's grace, also became a worker in spreading the TLIG messages.
(E. D., Thailand, October 1999)

I am born Greek and as all Greeks I was Orthodox, before my conversion, and I am still Orthodox. We, all, Orthodox believe in God and, me too, I believed in God, but I did not know. I only knew that He was great, very powerful and because of His greatness he was not interested in me, a mere miserable creature. One day a friend brought me a video of Vassula to see. I believed at once; I did not have any thought of judging if it was true or not. The door bell rung at the moment that I was watching the film and I thought: "Oh no! nothing is important! Only what I am watching now!" I read the Messages and I am still reading them. The truth touched my heart. I came to know that this God I pushed away all these many years is a most beautiful tender loving Father who loves me so much with a constant faithful love in spite of my nothingness.
(A. D., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 1999)

About four years ago, when I was 21 and when leading a very sinful life, I yield hesitantly to the pressure of my sister to do the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Madrid, Spain. While doing the exercises, the nuns there gave me a book
called "True Life in God" in Spanish. I started reading and could not believe it. I must have received a grace from Heaven, for after a whole life of ignoring God and being very sceptical about His ways, I immediately believed that the messages were true. I started reading the messages and after a couple of days, could not get enough of them! I simply could not believe that God could talk to us so intimately, so full of Love. I fell in love with God. Thus started my conversion.
(A. D., Spain, October 1999)

I was seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus, but did not know how to go about it. Then I saw a poster in our church advertising a talk by Vassula. Immediately I felt that God was calling me to attend. I did attend and was profoundly touched and was led into a closer walk with Jesus beyond anything I would have believed possible. I was drawn to understand the intimate workings of the Holy Spirit through the messages of TLIG. I thank God for this and pray that Vassula through her witnessing for Jesus and His messages win many souls to the glory of God.
(A. D., Johannesburg, South Africa, October 1999)

After a sinful life, I came to know God the first time really through a friend of mine who was just been converted. From then everything changed slowly in my life: I went for confession and holy communion, I read the messages of True Life in God and I had no more stress, no more nerve crisis, no more wanting to have fun in bars drinking as if that was my whole world. This was one year ago and I thank God who is the Only Truth, Glory to the One who was, is and always will be. Amen.
(Efsevia, Rhodes/Greece, October 1999)

I still almost get tears in my eyes when I recall the tender words of Our Father referring to the moment when He first "held us in His hands''. All my life I had wondered why human beings seem to have a deep common inner sense of what is most good, most beautiful in art, music or philosophy and why, as St. Augustine says "our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee". Unless I am misreading Vassula, God tells her that for an instant after our creation He allows our sou1 to see Him and obviously it is this memory which is so deeply imprinted in the soul of each one of us, although it is veiled for now by our human nature…
(H. E., Tokyo, Japan, October 1999)

My conversion occurred (7) years ago after watching the video tape of Vassula in Kansas City. I had a feeling inside of me that I can only describe as being at peace, happy, full of Love and being secure. This particular feeling was the Holy Spirit rejoicing that I had opened my eyes and also let Christ into my life. I carefully read each book. I soon realized that Jesus was very real in my life and not something that I could not visit or relate to. I began attending daily Mass, confession once a month, praying the rosary, reading daily scripture, reciting the Chaplet of Mercy and visiting my parish church and spending time in prayer in front of the Tabernacle. I have developed a relationship and devotion to the Blessed Mother.
(S.E., USA, October 1999)

The 2nd of Sept. 1995 I visited the meeting of "True Life in God" at Hilversum. I started to read from part I just as Mrs. Vassula had advised to do. Within a month I felt the urge to go to the church. Through the dictaats in combination with the Bible I got to know more and more about Jesus and soon it was clear to me that Jesus is the one for Whom I had been looking for such a long time.
(S. F., Holland, October 1999)

In 1995 a student of mine introduced me to the TLIG books by Vassula Ryden. I have been involved in the church from a very early age through my parents. But it was only after reading these books that awakened in me what living in Jesus meant. My life has changed since then, not only myself but those around me too. My husband, my children and my friends. Mass, communion, confession, the sacraments have a different meaning for me now, and I am in love with Our Blessed Mother.
(M. F., Johannesburg, South Africa, October 1999)

The Holy Spirit through the messages, has opened my eyes and ears and mind so I now see and understand everything around me especially what is happening in our church, in a spiritual way from God's point of view. The Holy Spirit has taught me how to contemplate and how to pray from the heart. I desire to live holy, to possess and to be possessed by our Triune Loving God. Every morning, everyday I put myself into His Will, I offer Him my love and my wholebeing. The Sacred Heart as He revealed Himself through True Life in God, is the Love of my life.
(J. F., UK, October 1999)

I have read all the books of "True Life in God"and the newspapers and I visited the 3 sessions of your visit to Holland. I experienced more love for God, our Heavenly Father, our Abba. Since then I wish often to end this life to go to the eternal life (if He calls me).
(J.A. F-F., Holland, October 1999)

While I was always a practicing Catholic I believe the messages have made me more ardent and keen to learn about my faith - though I still have a long way to go! I recently got married and my wife and I now read together a message together before we go to bed each night. I feel it has helped us spiritually in our marriage. My wife was a baptised Catholic but had become Pentecostal, she is now doing the RCIA course at our parish - I believe it is due to Jesus's messages given through Vassula.
(P. F., Zambia, October 1999)

I have been deeply touched by the messages passed down by Vassula. It is a source of comfort and reassurance to me to know that God continue to long for our love and adoration. I look forward to drawing closer through the continued reading of Vassula's divine revelation.
(A. F., UK, October 1999)

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